Have you ever snooped your bf’s phone?

Emilie • •|• horse rider •|• 97/23 •|• JL♥️

So my (ex) boyfriend now. Told me that he talks to his ex, but only when she needed help with school. I let it slide, ok I trust you. But...for some stupid reason I decided to check his phone... I saw the texts between them, and they were talking about all the times they had sex, where they had it, how amazing it was, and how he even still misses doing her. He also told her that he still thinks about her sometimes. It hurt so bad... unrealistically. So... has anyone else ever done this? It seems an invasion of his privacy but. He stopped laying close to me at night, never wanted to actually have sex with me, never called or hardly text me. Stopped talking to me when I went to see him. He was my world, my everything and I lost him. Can someone help me😓tips maybe on how to get over someone you were so deeply in love with??!

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