He's here!!! πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ warning its long!


Heading home from the hospital so I have time to write this!

I went in Friday at 38 weeks to turn in a urine analysis, my bp was high and my protein levels were higher than they liked for them to be so the midwife and dr on call made the decision to induce. They were going to start me on Cytotec at 8 pm. At 8 there was 2 deliveries and an emergency c-section so they pushed it to 10. At 10 they put me on the monitor and realized my body was already contracting on its own so decided to wait until 6 the next morning to give me Cytotec. They came in at 6 on Saturday, checked me I was only at a 1 so they gave me the cytotec and kept me on the monitors. Baby's heart rate dropped about 30 min later so in rushed what seemed like 20 people all at once switched me to my side, got oxygen started and had to find his heart rate again. We were both okay after that. They decided to just keep me on the monitors to make sure he was okay. Around 4 they decided to check me again the Dr on call and midwife were both in the room and explained that they were going to just give my body more time to react to the meds instead of giving me more and see if I could naturally go into labor, my blood pressures were good so they weren't in a rush to get him out. They checked me and said I was still at a 1-2 but he could stretch me to a 2-3. They let me off the monitors to go walk around for a little bit. Walked 1,000 steps and went and got back in the bed and hooked to the monitors. At around 6pm I had to go pee so I asked if I could be removed from the monitors to go. Went pee and there was blood and vernix in with my urine and we did a swab to make sure my water broke. Sure enough it did so they got me into a delivery room at 6:30. At 7 I got some meds to take the edge off because I was trying to have a natural birth. They got me meds and I changed positions to my hands and knees to try and get baby to flip over since he was face up and not face down. After about 15 min of that I moved to sitting on the ball because the pressure in my back was unbearable. I don't remember a whole lot from around 7:45-9:30 when the midwife came in and said that I might want to rethink going without an epidural because they had checked me and my cervix was kind of swollen which usually happens when baby is trying to come down and you aren't relaxed enough. So I asked if I could get in the shower because I knew it would help me relax. She told me I could but only for 30 min. I got in the shower at 5 cm and it was 9:40 pm. I was in the shower for about 15 minutes sitting in a chair backwards letting the water hit my back, but at that point there was so much pressure I couldn't take sitting in the chair anymore so I got up and pushed it out of the way and sat semi squatted on my knees. I called my mom in the room and asked her how I would know if it was time to push and she asked if it felt like I needed to poop, I told her yes and then told her I couldn't take it anymore I needed the epidural. She had my husband get the nurse and she helped me get out of the shower, dried off and had me get in the bed to check me. She looked at me and said honey it's too late for an epidural, you're complete it's time to push. I'm sure I had a look of shock on my face. I started pushing at 10:07 and baby was out at 10:22! They said that was the fastest pushing they had seen in a while, and for this to be my first baby they were all surprised it happened so fast. I was able to get the natural birth I wanted and didn't have any tears!

My sweet boy made his entrance on 11/4/17 at 10:22pm. We are head over heels in love already!