I was in labor for 2

I was in labor for 2.5 days before finally going into active labor at 11pm on the 11/2. We got to the birthing center around midnight then all hell broke loose. 😂😂 My contractions sped up and I was NOT ready. I laid down to try to sleep through them but instead I was up ever 30 minutes moaning in pain. I tried deep breathing...didn’t work. The thought of warm water was very appealing so my partner drew me a bath. Things started to feel a little better until my body told me I needed to push. On top of that I was falling asleep in the tub between contractions🤦🏾‍♀️ so I got out and literally couldn’t stop screaming bloody murder. At this point my partner was sitting behind me in a chair and my best friend calmly gathered the midwives to check on me. One of the midwives felt my cervix and said I was ready to go and to start pushing immediately. The other listened to baby’s heart. They said it had slowed to an alarming rate so I had to get him out. I scooted from the chair to the floor as the midwife coached me to push. A few tries later we switched to a squatting position with no luck. Finally I ended on all fours, punching and clawing my partner while I yelled for my midwife to stop stretching my cervix. My mom, bestie, and other midwife encouraged me to keep going after seeing the exhaustion on my face once baby crowned. The ring of fire is no myth nor joke. I was instructed to reach down to feel his head. It was the most slimy and beautiful thing I’d ever touched. I pushed another 30 minutes then voila, 6:28am 11/3, he slipped right out.