Boyfriends grandmother issues

So it’s a long story and I’ll try to shorten it. My bf and I started to date in 2013. He graduated 2014 and I graduated in 2015 from high school. November 3 we got together.

The summer when he graduated his family kept trying to break us up. They tried for months saying he shouldn’t be with someone when he goes away to college. His grandmother told his mom to break us up. (His grandparents are on dads side. Money issues- Mom couldn’t pay for our private school so grandmother did. She he lived with her)

His mother loves me, his dad hasn’t been in his life really. Has kids by different moms and my bf found out when he was 20 he has an older sister. His dad came back and is now about to goto jail for trying to kill his gd. Crazy I know. I never was around him. My bf never allowed it.

So my bfs grandmother told the family lies about me. Told them I stalk him because I had find my friends app so when I went to college in 2015 I could see how far away he was.

When he was away at school he wasn’t allowed to text me at all or his grandmother would turn his phone off🙄.

She is racist! We were all watching dancing with the stars and she said the one guy who was black “wow! He has really white teeth for a black guy!”

Or when I was coming back from college on a bus she told him “she better be safe around all those black people”

Orrrr she’s ask him if he had matzah ball soup for dinner(because I’m Jewish). She called me a slut, she told me I need to eat more, that I need to get therapy. Told me lies about my bfs mother. Ik they are lies because I told my bf and his mom. Separate times and they told me the same thing.

My bfs cousin had a party and I helped get shit ready for it, yet I wasn’t invited. I helped them plant flowers, run errands, cook, clean, set up technology, and I would be treated like crap.

So I got his cousin presents, then I’m told I can’t go. My bf messages his cousin and she said no to me going because I am creepy, I stalk him, she doesn’t think we should be together. I had it. Grandmother told him not to have kids with me or marry me. Never saw us as a long time thing. Says oh she’s pretty! You should be able to take female friends to movies and dinner.

She continues to do allll this. She hates I dropped out of college to become a cosmetologist. Or that I color my hair purple, pink, blue, etc.

she tried to get me to be a nurse. She’d wait for my bf to be out of the room to say stuff to me.

My graduation day from cosmetology school, she made it so he couldn’t come over because she had stuff for him to do. He has to lie to her to come over to see me.

My graduation party, she forced him to give her my moms phone number because she wants us to work everything out. Wants to meet with my parents. My bf is 22, and I’m 20.

She can’t let go of me not wanting to go there. She said I offended her because she was watching the bachelor and said “he should go with her, she’s pretty. Aimee, what girl do you think is better for him?” And I said “I think the other because she’s smarter and nicer to him.”

Some how I offended her🙄.

But she finally called my mom asking for them to meet face to face to work everything out. Says that it’ll make my bf happy.

How would you deal with all of this? She made me cry so fucken much. She’d bring up my bfs exs, and just say crap about me.

Please help with any idea of what to do