Fuck boy


I have seen a few posts about few different things about sex the best what ever I am so board at 1:24am I want to here your fuck boy story's

This is mine so he was 17 he was 20 he was so hot and fit and thinking 💭 about him gave me 🦋 he got my number from my friend and he text me calling me beautiful the next day he pick me up in his 🚗 I thought it was so 😎 we was meeting up every nite (don't hate me for this next bit) once my bf went to work and he would take me to the beach we would sit and talk and them make out a bit once he got what he wanted i never seen or heard from him for almost 2 months I had dumped my bf before we had sex but i had fallen hard for this dude and his 🍆 it was very big. But I ended up being the one he came to every time he was drunk he told me he ❤️ me and wanted to be with me and every time i fell for it and got my heart broken. What is your story I am sure they are better than mine lol