I Mean 🤷🏾‍♀️ • don't spend your life being an asshole 😉

Because of past relationships and being done wrong I wouldn't say that I necessarily have trust issues, but I'm definitely less naive (I think) than I was when I was younger. I'm kind of an asshole now. I don't do making my guy my screensaver thing and stuff like that and I can say some pretty fucked up things. And I find it hard to express my emotions sometimes. The guy I'm dating right now is patient and he's trying to help me open up more but I can tell if I domt get it together I'll probably lose him. A few days ago we agreed to change each other's names in our phones. He wanted his to be daddy with all emojis and I wanted mine to be baby girl...well he changed mine and today he asked if I changed his...i didn't and now he's upset 😕 it's such a simple thing but I'm so hesitant to do things like that because I'm always afraid of things possibly not working out in the end. I know that's not a good mindset to have and sometimes you just have to let go and see what happens...im really trying yo i really am.

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