Bleeding and clotting at almost 7 weeks.

Gena • 37. First time mommy to baby James on 06/19/18.

So this past weekend I went to the women’s ER because at my 6 week mark I randomly had started bleeding what I thought was A LOT and had a couple of clots. They did a vaginal ultrasound, and everything was fine... baby’s heartbeat was 141bpm.

Cut to tonight, I was sitting down eating dinner at a restaurant after work... waiting for a friend to get home because I’m staying with her this week while I’m attending training 2 hours from home. I felt fine, great even, as I was eating my food. I stood up and felt a gush... went to the bathroom real quick at the restaurant and saw another big red blood stain in my undies and a massive clot in the toilet... I stopped bleeding shortly after and there wasn’t any pain, nausea, nothing. I started crying because I was so scared. I felt a little lightheaded about 45mins later but figured it was because of it being such a large clot.

I read it could be due to intercourse (my bf and I did have sex yesterday... and he’s pretty decently endowed). But the first time it happened we hadn’t had sex in about 2-3 days.

Has anyone else had this happen and had everything still turn out okay?