I’m freaking out any advice would be appreciated


Okay so my husband and I have been together for 11 years and we’re expecting our first baby in a little less than a month. Emotionally I’m super excited and couldn’t be happier, in every other way I’m losing my shit. About two weeks before we found out I was pregnant my husband and a close friend started a construction business. The company does good work and I know a startup generally takes a little to start off but I’ve been supporting us for the past 8 or so months. I make a decent salary but it’s still been rough living off one income. I’ve been reminding my husband that I go on maternity leave very soon for quite awhile and I feel like now a week before I actually leave work he’s just realizing my income is stopping. I want his business to work because it’s his dream and he’s never been happy working for someone else. We also invested quite a decent bit of money into this business. Now I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. Like I want his business to work but we need money coming in to support us and currently that’s just not happening. I’m not supposed to stress but I’m worried about what happens when I actually do go on leave. I’ve been told I won’t receive a check for quite sometime and I have no idea how we’re going to pay bills. We’re already partially living off credit cards for what I can’t provide and I don’t wanna keep going into the hole. Every time I try to talk to my husband about our situation he says something to the effect of I make him feel like less of a man. This isn’t my goal I’m just freaking the fuck out. I get 16 weeks of leave and after that I’m not sure what we’re doing. Ideally I’d love to be a sahm but if my husbands business continues the way it is I don’t see that happening. On the flip side if I do go back to work I have no idea how we’re going to pay for daycare. I love my husband and I want his dreams to come true but I need to feel stability at such a vulnerable time in our life. Anyone have any suggestions?