Just venting...tired and can’t sleep

Ok so as I’m typing this, I’m currently on cycle day 46. Yup. 46. I keep think my period is coming. I’ve had cramps for the past week like Aunt Flo is just knocking at my door. But when I go pee,there’s nothing there. No spitting. No blood. Nothing. I tested about a week ago which 2 cheapo tests told me I wasn’t pregnant. I was sick so I wasn’t looking for pregnancy symptoms. I thought I was getting better but now I have a darn cold. My periods are super crazy. Or at least they used to be. Until about 8 months ago my periods were irregular. But for the past 8 months, they have been on time every time. I’m just getting to discouraged. Im afraid to take another test. I’m also afraid to go to the dr. You see, I have hpv and I’m so embarrassed by it. And I’m also scared to death that it’s going to turn into cancer. Anyways, I think I’m getting a uti on top of everything else. Yes, I know I’m all over the place but I’m so tired and can’t sleep so I’m typing as it comes into my head lol