Sick again 😩😩😩

Katie β€’ ...

My baby boy had his one year jabs last week and got a temp the day he had them. Well a week later and his temp has returned with a vengeance! His normal temp is about 35.5 but today and last night it's getting higher and we are at 38.3 now 😩 in giving him calpol and nurofen but his temp just keeps getting higher! He's been awake an hour and had gone back to sleep, he was up most of the night last night too. I feel so tired and emotional so I can't even think what my poor baby is feeling! I just want to make it better for him and nothing I'm doing is working. Of to the dr in a bit to try and see if there's anything they can do although I think it's his jabs that have caused it!

Sorry just needed to rant!!!