I wanna hear some similar stories!

Breanna • Walker Ray 💙

So has anyone ever had a guy that you’ve just always had a thing for? No matter where you are in life, there’s just that one guy that you’ve always wanted for some reason? When I was in high school I randomly started talking to this guy & that kinda didn’t go anywhere. So whatever. Fast forward to college. I met a different guy and we dated for 2 years, well turns out he was friends with the guy from high school. So we were always hanging out with him & I always wanted him. But we were both always in relationships or it just wasn’t right because I was dating his friend. Fast forward a few more years, I met someone & had my son. He treated me like shit, cheated on me & what not. So now I’ve been single for about 7 months and I have a 10 month old son. Something told me to message the first guy, so I did and we talked a few times but he had a girlfriend. So it didn’t go anywhere, again. Then a few weeks later he messaged me and told me he had broken up with his girlfriend and he gave me his phone number. So now we’ve been texting & he’s telling me how he’s always had a thing for me & what not. I feel the exact same. There’s something about him. He’s not even the most attractive guy, but I feel soooo attracted to him. He’s so funny, fun to be around, he loves kids, he has a good job, his own house. Just all around good guy. So it’s been like 7 ish years and we’re finally both single and ready To settle down. I’m so excited but I’m nervous that something is going to go wrong now that I finally have him by himself. Does this sound crazy or is this that cute thing that is supposed to happen in life? haha.