Please be my rainbow! Update!!!

Shayla • Wishing for rainbows🌧🌧🌧🌧🌈

So 11 dpo and I woke up this morning feeling sick. I've been feeling weird since 5 dpo but I took a test at 9dpo and it was negative. But as I sat in the bathroom I saw the test on a shelf and thought "Why the hell not?" I felt nauseous, I took the test, covered it with the box and prayed with all of my might. I had a conversation with God that I havent had since I had my first miscarriage. I took a deep breath and looked at the test. My first reaction was negative...but I looked closer and saw a vvvvfl, in front of a flashlight you can see it... but I'm nervous. What do you guys think? Also could I trouble you guys for good thoughts and prayers that this baby will stick...? If there is a baby in there...Ughhhhhhh I'm so nervous, I dont know if I should be happy or cautious....

Today's test! I'm crying! Just in case you get a faint line dont be discouraged!!! Please let this stick!!!