Boyfriends/Husbands and Porn

Hello ladies,

I just wanted to know what you ladies think of your boyfriends watching porn. I just recently found out my boyfriend has a Snapchat account behind my back that's an account just to follow porn stars. Also he has a private email account that he uses for the Snapchat account and porn websites that he makes accounts for.

He logs into these things when he's at work, deletes the app when he gets home. I don't mind him logging into like pornhub and watch videos but now following porn stars and all that I feel is a little extra, maybe addicted?? He claims he watches it because I don't want to give him sex sometimes but that's not often. I'm at stay at home and can feel tired sometimes but I always try to give him pleasure and show him affection.

I just recently had a baby boy 3 1/2 months ago so I don't feel 100% in my body yet. I've always been overweight (5'2 @ 220 lbs) and he would always tell me he loves me the way I am but if you love me so much don't you think he'd ask me for nudes and stuff so he can see when he's in the mood to see stuff like this not sign up for notifications from a complete stranger?

Ladies please help, I don't have friends so I don't know who to talk to about this. I feel like I'm drowning in this because I can't stop thinking about it. It hurts me because I feel like he's not satisfied with me and the things I do. Should I feel like this?