Pregnancy signs? Need help!!

Me and my bf had unprotected sex 4 days ago on the 3rd of November. 3 Days before I started ovulating yesterday on the 6th. Since that day (the 3rd) when we had sex I’ve been feeling horrible. A lot of cramping feelings and pain on my v line on the left side. I’ve been nauseas and have thrown up certain foods. I’ve heard sore breasts are a sign but I haven’t felt anything out of the ordinary there. My stomach have also been making flips and turns and that + the cramping feelings have made it hard to sleep. Not to mention how bad my back has been hurting like the lower part. I’ve never been pregnant before so I’m confused are these pregnancy symptoms or just regular ovulation symptoms? I usually don’t get no ovulation symptoms other than the fact that I tend to be more “in the mood” than usual and crave certain things but never cramping this bad. Help please ladies! 😪 (I also understand it may be tooo early to tell but I need answers)