in laws being annoying

My in laws think my son is theirs. If my husband and I say that a certain trait of his takes after my side of the family, they'll deny it. They want my son to have nothing to do with my family. My husband was the only child that they could conceive and my in laws joke that my son is their 2nd son. Creepy as hell. Now I'm due with a girl this week and my in laws are estatic. They now live overseas..(THANK GOD) and want to come for the birth but my husband and I said no. I'm dreading them saying she looks like my mother in law. I already overheard her telling my husband on the phone that she hopes that our little girl would look like her. Dont want to be mean.. but shes so unattractive sometimes shes hard to look at..Shes balding so she doesnt wash her hair. She kind of looks like the lion woman on google. Yet she thinks shes the prettiest woman on earth. My husband won't stand up to his parents..I definitely don't have the guts to either and I know it'll make me hate them more. They came over EVERYDAY when I had my son. Sat on the couch just holding him and refused to let me breastfeed. They would say things like " You see him all day, let us have our time". His mom has taken medication for severe depression and mental disorders all her life so she could never breastfeed. Thus she doesn't understand how hard it is to not breastfeed before your boobs get all swollen. They actually asked me to bottle feed so they could get some bonding time with my son. His mom would also complain that my mom was over taking care of me. As if she (mother in law) had a say as so who was allowed in my own home. She even started a fight with my mom saying she had to right to be a mom. My mom left crying and I feel like thats when my postpartum depression hit an all time high. This article explains how I feel: