Help! Chemical pregnancy, pregnancy test getting darker


Im so confused. If anyone has been through anything similar please help.

So I’ve had 2 chemical miscarriages before. One at 4 weeks and one 5 weeks. What happened with them is I had all the symptoms and faint positives. The lines sadly got fainter and fainter to nothing then I came on. 6 days heavy bleeding and clots.

I have high prolactin levels just diagnosed which I thought might be why, so I started taking vitex last month to try harmonise my hormones. This month, pregnancy symptoms again. I thought I wouldn’t test early I’ll wait until I’m a week late so I don’t get my hopes up if it’s positive, then to lose it again. So tested a week late and it was a very faint positive. Thought it was doomed and tested again and it was a bit darker. Not a squinter a definite line. Then the next morning I had lots of bright red blood, heavy and passed 2 clots then it stopped as quickly as it came. I was expecting 6 days not 1 1/2... so cried my eyes out and went and cried to the doctor who referred me to the fertility clinic. Still waiting for my full period to come. My breasts have been sore and I started to feel pregnancy symptoms again (lost them with the bleeding) . Tested on opk to see what was going on and it was very positive, just done a hpt and:

Weird as it’s darker than it was before I started bleeding, a lot should have fainted to nothing by now as it wasn’t this dark in the first place

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Posted at
Thought I’d follow this up. So I went to the early pregnancy unit, they tested me and I was positive for pregnancy on urine. They seemed to not be worried about the bleeding, so started to think maybe I was pregnant as I have been definitely feeling it! Then had a transvaginal ultra sound and there was nothing there. Least they checked my tubes and ovaries and all looked fine. The doctor said, although you are more fertile after a miscarriage you are also more likely to miscarriage again! I didn’t know this. Had 3 miscarriages in a row! So me and hubby having a break from ttc for a month. Might actually have some fun and stop thinking about it!


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Hey Jodie! What was the final outcome?


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did your Dr do a urine test or labs? I had heavy bleeding similar to yours in the beginning of my pregnancy but it was still viable


Elizabeth • Nov 7, 2017
I don't want to get your hopes up but id go back and ask her to do a blood test or ultrasound just to see.


Jodie • Nov 7, 2017
No she didn’t confirm it. I just assumed it was game over


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I did this with our youngest daughter. I’d lost 3 to miscarriage and thought for sure I was losing her too, the line just kept getting darker. Got an ultrasound and she was a perfect little bean with a heart just pattering away! I pray this is the case for you. Keep us posted!


PMJ • Nov 7, 2017
We had three miscarriages and 3 preemies that didn’t make it. We have 3 preemies that pulled through as well! The emotions that you are going through are totally natural. From the moment you decide you want a baby you are completely connected to it even if it’s not made yet! You feel a need to protect it from everything including miscarriage. I think that’s why women feel so guilty when they lost one because there was absolutely nothing they could do to protect their child! You are doing everything in your power to protect this little thing that your not even 100% sure exists! Emotions are just part of being a mommy! I am praying hard that this works out and this little bean is healthy and perfect!


Jodie • Nov 7, 2017
Thank you! God this is such an emotional rollercoaster isn’t it! Who knew it would be like this when you first decide to try for a baby