I need to tell someone!

ali • Beautiful 👶 boy born 4/11/17 via FET #1 after TTC for 4 yrs. Baby girl born 2/15/20 via FET #2. 💙 Pregnant with #3 naturally, due April '24!

Oh my god. Okay so since about 5 months old, my baby has been sleeping like crap. He's 4 days away from turning 7 months old. At first, I was in denial. Kept telling myself things would improve, ride it out, I could never do CIO, etc. He got sick 3 times in a row with no recovery between, then started teething. I did something else I said i could never do... put my baby in bed with me. Things got progressively worse. We went from getting up 0-1 time per night at 4 months old to 1-2, then 2-3. I work full time so about 2 weeks ago I'd say is when I hit rock bottom. I was beyond exhausted, miserable, dreading coming home from work and going to bed because I knew just a few minutes after putting my head to the pillow, id be up for the first feeding of the night. We moved my son's crib to his own room in the hopes that would help, but it didn't. I started looking into CIO methods as a last resort since I'd seen success stories on this app. I decided on The Ferber Method and picked today as "d-day." I was sick to my stomach all day at work, second-guessing myself the whole time. But we bit the bullet and did our new night time routine (bottle at the beginning, no pacifier, no rocking). Said our good nights and put him down. He started crying within seconds. We started our check and consoles but quickly realized within the first 20 minutes that was making him more upset so switched to Weissbluth (extinction). I almost caved so many times but stayed strong. At about 50 minutes he stopped crying and at 59 minutes, he was asleep! I'm hopeful, but still anxious for tonight. We've been working on night weaning over the past 2 weeks as he definitely feeds at night out of habit (my fault, started during the 4 month regression). So I expect him to wake up at least a couple of times for a bottle, but I feel like the light may be at the end of the tunnel and wanted to share my experience with others! I love my son so much and want the best for him. Being this sleep-deprived, I wasn't able to be the best for him. I'm looking forward to happy times again. 😭