HELP! Recently "fired"


Okay I started working at this new school where we have to put our phones up in our lockers before we go into the class, we'll one morning I was running super late, I clocked in and totally forgot about my phone. Later that day around lunch time one of the office ladies comes into my room and asks me if I had my phone on me. I reached and touched my back pocket and said "yes I totally forgot" she's like okay well Mr. Shaw wants to talk to you, so I go to his office thinking he was just going to warn me about my phone but this fool goes on this huge rant about how he's tired of people taking his kindness for weakness and he's done being pushed around...I told him I was never on my phone that he can check the cameras, I was late and it was an honest mistake but he still terminated me. I really think it's because they found out I was pregnant. Two days before that another lady in the office came into my room and was asking me all these questions about when I was going to leave, when I was coming back, who was going to watch my kids, then asked me if I was pregnant. I tried to file unemployment but they said I didn't make enough last year to get it? What else can I do?