unusual bleeding


so if turned to this so to track my period. I'll start from the beginning to give you a bit of the picture. March time I started bleeding, just like any other month right? WRONG, from there I had 5 days without bleeding from March all the way to June, when I was amazed to say the least that I was pregnant! straight away I knew there was something wrong, but everyone refused to listen like I was wrong my own body silenced. anyway it turns out I'd had an eptopic pregnancy and my tube had bust. so straight into surgery to have both my baby&tube; removed. this is still very sore to think about. I felt so relived, so well.. then a few days later I started bleeding again & along side the bleeding iv had terrible stomach cramps. my doctors cancled a couple of appointments however I am now really on this, since March I can honestly say iv had no more than 30 days without bleeding. bleeding also vary, sometimes it can be extremely heavy others pretty much non excisting. now iv had all my STD tests just 3 months ago. aswell as being w8th the same person for 6 years I still test myself regularly. I'm now waiting for the results of yet another chlymidia test because she's convinced that's what's causing this. I on the other hand think it's something much worse. I requested a servical cancer swab and refused because I'm only 22. with I sucessfull pregnancy, a misscarriage & unexplainable bleeding with very bad cramps. I'm terrified, has anyone ever gone through similar? what was the outcome.