Y'all I'm so excited!!!

My SO and I have been struggling to get pregnant for 2 and a half years. After a year of TTC with no luck I talked to my doctor, I was sent to a specialist and diagnosed with PCOS. My dreams of ever being a mom were crushed :(, my doctor even looked me in the eyes and told me I'd never have kids, my specialist reassured me that with his help I would have a chance!! Every month when my period comes I get so depressed and upset. In June I had an ultrasound and found out that my cysts were gone (for now)!!!!! My periods still remained irregular, but the last two months they have been coming on time and more normal! I was so excited for the first time in my life when I got my period today and looked back at my last one and the one before that and realized that they have been coming regularly and on time! I'm hoping this is a good step in the right direction to finally get pregnant!