Final shot

Hi ladies. I’m 32 years old and with hubby for 11.5 years. We are coming up on 5tears ttc. We have done several medicated and bd cycles, we have done 6IUI’s, ICSI <a href="">IVF</a> in March that resulted in 5 embryos. Transferred 1 fresh and froze other 4. Grade of fresh was 6AA, 2 frozen ones were 5AA and 1 at 3AA and the last at 2AA. We did our 4th transfer last week(nov.2), and transferred 2(2AA and 3AA). We go for beta tues. and I’m having a tough time time just cause I know this is it for us. Not 1 pregnancy so far😢 I’m also nervous cause the higher grade one didn’t work so why will the 2 smaller ones?!? We will move onto adoption from here if this doesn’t work. But if I’m honest, we will likely adopt anyway. I just don’t want to give up hope in having our own. See what features he/she has, to carry, to deliver and experience all that.

My eggs don’t fertilize on their own. So we have 2%chance that it will happen on its own. I’m just so nervous.

No question really, just wanted to write what I was feeling