Newbie nerves

My doctor ran my hormone levels last week because I’m 37, soon to be 38 and TTC for the 1st time. I went off BC in June and AF has been kind of unpredictable which had me flustered. She said everything sounded good and put me at ease. She said she was going to go ahead and run my hormone levels and check my egg reserve because she would like me to get pregnant ASAP. She also sent a referral for sperm analysis for my SO. Well, today I found out that my estrogen is low and so is my reserve. I made a follow up appointment to discuss my options. I’m just curious about everyone’s experiences with the different options. I feel like time is of the essence. We want a baby so badly. It took a long time for us to find each other and we want nothing more than to start our family. I’ve been so emotional today. I know it doesn’t mean it won’t or can’t happen but this is all so new to me. Any advice? Costs? The next available appointment is almost a month away. I hate having to wait that long. Thank you in advance!