Hoping Im preggers???!


Im starting to get acne kind of sudden. I dont really get alot of pimples and I have 4-5 that have been there a few days. My boyfriend has been noticing my boobs feel and look bigger and it seems like I have more milk then usual. And I noticed today on and off my boobs have felt tender and somewhat sore.

When I have periods, I dont know when it happens, theres no sign besides I can smell more down there. And when I have my period I dont get all the period stuff like cramps, mood swings, acne, anything like that. It just comes and goes and my periods are super irregular. So thats why Im wondering if its pregnancy symptoms?

I have one child who is a year old and my pregnancy symptoms with him were just morning sickness.

Im trying to concieve and last time I thought I had symptoms of pregnancy and took a test it was negative so I dont want to be disappointed.