Desensitization and Counterconditioning

Oh My Gatos!

Has anyone had to do the DSCC training with their cat (s). About 6 months ago, we had to say goodbye to our grandma kitty, Yo-yo. She was kind of like a momma cat to the sisters we have, Basil and Nika. Since she passed Basil has been urinating and pooping on all of our belongings...and she always does it after Mr. Meowgi tries to play with her. We've had him for 3 years and he is the youngest, sweetest, but most playful cat. Basil doesn't like it though and freaks out. Nika, her sister, loves him and is the one who curls up next to him when he's sleeping. She's also the smallest and most fierce one...and she does NOT fear him the way Basil does since Yo-yo passed. I made Basil her own room tonight, litter box, food, water, toys, etc. This is what the vet suggested to get her to use her own litter box along with prescribing a kitty anxiety med. I don't want to keep her in that room a long time or anything, but I'm not sure how long this DCSS training is supposed to take, and if anyone else has experienced this or had to do this to regain some order with all the cat drama and hissy fits!