
Morgan • Im about to be 21 and my SO is 20. This will be our first child together... although unexpected, Im ready to take on the role of being a mother!

i️ guess i’m not really a teen mom, im 21. but it’s me and my bf’s first child together and it was definitely unexpected. IM HAPPY THOUGH!! 16 weeks right now.

we have to get our own place and I’m just really scared for it all. Paying for rent, other bills, car note & a baby is starting to scare me and idk how we’re gonna do it. Idk what all i need to buy for my baby. Omg it may be the hormones or because i can’t frickin sleep anymore but I’m scared now.

Everyone i know who’s had a baby lives with their parents and everything is basically given to them and they’re like it’s not as hard as you think.... we’ll get help but we are basically going to be on our own.

I️ just want to be happy and take care of my baby and have peaceful positive energy around us.

It’s gonna work out right?