I’m my husbands #3

Now, my husband and I both love God more than we love each other- and it’s a different kind of love. However, my husband’s list seems to go

1. God

2. His old friend (female)

3. Me

I know it’s not true but I feel that I come way after his friend. She and him grew up together and hey are really close and she’s married and has a baby and she’s always like “my best friend!” when she sees him and hugs him. They’re like really close siblings. I’m not one to be crazy so I told my husband how I felt and he assured me that it isn’t true and I’m always his #1. I just sure as hell don’t feel like it. He’s always invested with her life and he spends a lot of time with her and her family and I feel like such an outsider. He always has her son over and we watch him together, and it’s made me baby hungry (we’ve been married for almost 3 years, been together for 5 years) and he thinks we should wait because... and I quote “we have this little guy to give all our attention to!” HELL NO! Ladies, please help me! I love him with all my heart and divorce is not an option.