Egg Retrieval

Lulu • 32 years old. Endometriosis. Surgery in January. Unsuccessful IFV in May/June. Unsuccessful FET in July. Trying again.
Hi May Girls! Just finished my egg retrieval a few hours ago and now the waiting game begins.. We are doing genetic testing, so it will be another month before we do the transfer. As ready as I was to get these eggs out (daily appointments, so bloated and it was getting increasingly difficult to pierce the skin in my stomach with the needles), I also liked feeling like I was doing something - or many things! - everyday. Now I am going to have to be patient and recognize there is nothing I can do for a few weeks. 
As for the retrieval - it went really well. They got 22 eggs, so many more than I expected. We will get the first update tomorrow on how many are maturing/fertilizing. 
Quite frankly, with my endometriosis, I am most worried that I just can't implant an egg.. But that is next month's worry. And hopefully I will have enough embryos to try a few times, if that proves to be the challenge. 
I am now on the couch with very slight cramping - nothing even remotely close to my horrible endo period cramps. And unlike when I woke up in January from my endometriosis excision surgery, I recovered almost instantly from this much lighter anesthesia. Last time I threw up twice - this time didn't even feel nauseous! 
I know some of you have already gone through this part of the process in previous cycles but happy to answer any questions for those who are about to go through it for the first time!!