Someone explain this 😳

Ok so this is strange but I really need thoughts on this! I am a pee on stick addict I am as of today 10dpo. I noticed a very small amount of liquid coming from breasts mind you I haven’t breastfeed for over 3 years. Anyways the thought popped into my mind to put a drop of it on my pregnancy test strip and then dip it into my urine. And I got a positive. Do you think like with blood hcg shows up first in your blood so would hcg be in my liquid coming from my boobs first before urine? Anyone have thoughts ?? Besides the fact I’m crazy lol I know the only way to trust this test is only doing urine and nothing else but how can one drop make this this positive ? Top picture is with the one drop of boob juice and bottom one is of just urine taken at the same time .

Here’s a better pic of the positive

Update #1

This line is pink and showed within time frame which makes me know it’s not an evap I will update af is not due until Tuesday!