
Yes it's a pro choice person✋🏻 ello. 
I'd had a comment up but glow removed it so I couldn't continue the convo😅
It 'twas about:
Adoption! If say that (in a magical world) abortion was illegal and no one got any (that's why it's magical) how would PL/PB people approach adoption? There'd be a huge influx of newborns who almost instantaneously get adopted, but how would they handle the older children who would also require homes? Not counting the children that are unavailable for adoption. What exactly would be done about the large population of growing, in system, children?
Someone brought up a point about it however I don't remember exactly due to the topic being removed😓 and I asked "if you had the resources to house children from the system, and give them a loving place to stay would you choose that or a place for women who have had or are dealing with abortion to go for after care etc."
Once again, I'm not looking for debate, I'd have liked to keep it a quiet discussion but the topic it was on was removed😔