Always trust your gut


Just need to rant a little bit. My 8 month old daughter started to run a fever of 103 which a croupy cough and congestion. Took her to the pediatrician on was in the room for 10 seconds and said it was just a cold. Okay that’s fine. Come Wednesday she is still running high fevers, not sleeping well and still has a terrible cough and congestion so i decide to take her back to see another doctor at the same practice. Meanwhile I was just diagnosed with strep throat so of course I was a little nervous. Doctors checks her over, does a strep test, and uses a catheter to make sure she doesn’t have a uti which could be causing the fevers ( she’s already had 2 utis in the past). Everything came back normal and I was told to come back on Saturday if she is still running a fever. Come Thursday she is not have less wet diapers and starting to refuse her bottles. Friday morning she wakes up with a 102.5 fever and refuses to eat. So I decided enough is enough and I take her to another pediatrician for a second opinion...come to find out she has a double ear infection! She is not on antibiotic and I hope my little girl gets back to her normal self soon. Moral of this story is to trust your gut because your your babies advocate and you need to keep pushing if something doesn’t feel right.