Anyone willing to be my surrogate?

Susy • Trying to conceive

Hi all. I'm in need of a surrogate. I've been trying to conceive 10 years. After 5 ivfs 2 frozen transfers and countless IUIs I've been told now that my best bet is to have a surrogate due to intensive scar tissue in my uterus. I've had 3 hysteroscopy and 1 laparoscopy. I live in Long Island New York and the only way is to have a kid is to find a surrogate. I can't afford big agencies but I'm willing to help w everyday a cost like food and cost of meds. I know its a lot to consider and I am already 37 years old. Is there anyone who loves being pregnant and can help us? Me and hubby been together for 18 years. I’m so happy he is sticking thru this and hopefully one day we will get lucky. It’s so hard watching everyone around us with babies and throughout the years they have now grown into awesome young teens. We really want to be parents ☺️. We are a stable working couple with a home waiting for us to fill. 😊😊

Hoping to find a true hearted person willing to grant us our miracle baby.

Thanks for listening