Ian and Mickey. Oh my fucking god. Ian Clayton Gallagher and Mikhailo Aleksandr Milkovich. I have so much to say. Okay okay first of all, Mickey was a douche in the beginning, yeah sure. But he had to hide because being openly gay in the Southside of Chicago isn't the greatest idea - and he just so happened to have the most homophobic asshole of a father. But, then, come season 3, he changes a little, he kisses Ian, he's cute ~oh oh oh and when Ian is getting beat up by Terry, Mickey JUMPS ON TERRY'S BACK AND PULLS HIM OFF. Nobody pays attention to that, but it's a huge deal. This means that, even in season 3, Mickey's willing to risk his own life for Ian’s~ but then he gets married and Ian joins the army and blah fucking blah. Meanwhile, while Ian's gone, Mickey TOTALLY misses Ian. Ian comes back and Mickey actually takes care of him. Especially in that scene where Ian’s passed out in the snow, and MICKEY ATTACKS THE PERVY DUDE AND TAKES IAN HOME AND IT'S FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. We need to appreciate this. Mickey hasn't even come to terms with his sexuality yet, but there are 100% feelings there. And, obviously, the club scene, the big beautiful public kiss. I think this is the best kiss out of the 7 seasons because Mickey pulls away, and he's standing there, staring into Ian's eyes and he just can't take it any longer and says FUCK IT. And it really is awesome. So is the coming out scene. Mickey is so afraid of losing Ian again that he is willing to RISK HIS LIFE to please him. And they are so cute. Season 5. What can I say about season 5? Season 5 is a test of Mickey's strength and love for Ian, and HOLY FUCK DOES HE PASS THAT TEST. "We're taking care of him HERE. You, me, us. He's fucking family." and and and "Ian, I'm worried about you. I love you." That part there really struck me. Mick couldn't give two fucks about Yevgeny, as long as Ian was okay. And Mickey dealt with Ian's bipolar, because he loved him. And then the Sammi thing happened and Ian BREAKS UP WITH HIM?!?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! That had me pissed. And blah blah blah Ian meets Caleb. And Ian goes on a date with Caleb and says, "My last boyfriend wasn't much of a talker. His idea of a conversation was insulting me a bunch and then punching me in the face right before we banged." BULL. FUCKING. SHIT. Let's take it back to that scene Ian is referring to. As I recall, Ian, you insulted Mickey, saying that he was a pussy, and then proceeded to say "so the next time my dick is limp because of all the meds don't go all wahh wahh it's okay just suck it harder you faggot". And let's not forget who threw the first punch, asshole. Fast forward to season 7. YOU LEFT MICKEY AT THE BORDER. AFTER ALL HE WENT THROUGH FOR YOU. EVERYTHING HE DID. YOU ARE HIS WORLD. I actually left out a few important things that happened between the two because I don't want to write a lot, and we still have valid reasons to be pissed. If Mick comes back for Ian in season 8, he better fucking go and not fuck it up for the... let's count... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5th time? that'd be great thanks.