Does your man help out with the kids?

Alyson • Mommy, health and fitness, nerd, Christian, republican, hard worker, list follower, loyal, Leo, dōterra wellness advocate ✌🏼️

My husband works full time, and I am a SAHM. I am beyond grateful that I get to raise my kids and not have to go back to work. I do know both sides because I went back for a little and with taxes and such it just wasn’t worth it, and didn’t make sense. Working or not my husband does zero with our baby. He plays with her for a few min or so when he comes home from work but never changed a diaper, got up during the night or morning, no baths feedings nada... I tell myself it’s totally fine and I should be grateful, but my daughter is a shitty sleeper and still wakes up about 4/5 times a night and no matter her bed time.. wakes up at 5am. I think I’m just bitter because I’m so tired- I don’t nap during the day because my husband doesn’t pick up after himself either.. and we have dogs.. really really furry ones so I’m constantly vacuuming lol- totally fine with that our floors get gross fast and she’s crawling. Just curious if anyone else’s life is like this as well so I have someone to talk to lol totally lonely- and tired