Deciding not to test

Cherry🍒 • wife and momma enjoying it all

Well last month was my first month TTC. I tested at 9dpo and got a negative. Then the day my period was supposed to start and it didn't I tested and (April 16th ) I got my bfp i was so excited. Then a week later had a miscarriage.

I was so disappointed at 9dpo when I got a negative. And I was even more disappointed when I miscarried. The whole month of April was a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

This time around I decided to just take my prenatal vitamins (no alcohol)and not think about testing. I feel it can be full of disappointment. And even if you get a bfp its not 100% gaurenteed there's because of miscarriages and chemical pregnancies.

If my period doesn't start I will wait till Im about 7 weeks before I get checked out or a blood test that way I can save myself from the rollercoaster.... That way I can stay calm and not over worry and stress it. Going with the follow

Anyone else doing this?

Has it worked well?