Body image...

Megan • Loving our little rainbow baby 💙
So, I am 21 and TTC. As you can see, I am overweight. 225 pounds to be exact. I'm trying really hard to change my lifestyle and be healthy and active again. (I did competitive dance for 12 years growing up) I've already lost about 15 pounds. It's really hard though because sometimes, I look at myself and think I don't look that bad. I know I have huge boobs, (38 G) and a large butt but other than that, I'm ok with my tummy sometimes. But then I go to OB and she gets on my case about being "morbidly obese" and I feel terrible about myself again which just makes me want to eat more. Thinking I might change OB's. I don't know. I feel like I'm alone. Does anyone else have the same body shape as me or feel the same way?
PS I do in fact know that in the end, I am overweight. I'm not denying that. I'm working on it and already losing weight. So please try and keep the hounding and criticism to a minimum 😅 took a lot of courage not to hit the anonymous button but I want to talk to people and be supportive of everyone!