Child support question ??

Stephanie • Mother of 1 💕

I'm considering putting my ex on child support. he left me since I told him i was pregnant, my son is now 3 months old. I called him the other day because I needed $10 to buy my son a medication his insurance wouldn't cover. I pay rent and every thing on my own, but he yelled at me and said hell no (the. changed his number for the 3rd time) I've been giving him the benefit of the doubt because I don't want to seem like a bitch. long story short, he lives in another state, if I put him on child support will I have to send my 3 month old to another state every month with him ?? Because as a FTM I'm afraid and if that's the case then I won't do it at all. anyone who is familiar with this, can you please help me out ??