should I log open or close?

Supose to start tommrow. No sex only male fluid to get in me was pre from fingers and he went pee before hand and also past fertile window (not sure when ovulated though) asked around on here and people say there no way i could be. I just need to log for the day but not sure if my cervix is open or close. It really easy to tell where opening would be by feel. It's soft and fluffy kinda of wrinkly where rest of cervix seems hard-ish. there is a indent or dimple like cave in feeling to it My cervix is also low/med and cm dry to very, very, very tiny clear globs. I can't tell if tip of finger fitd but flat of my pointer finger and side of fingrr seems to fit the shape and sink in. By feel it reminds me of "| | or | )" again NOT asking if im uk just asking open or close to log.

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