Helpful tip for cradle cap!


Just wanted to share because my sister in law told me this and it worked perfectly! Been trying to get rid of cradle cap (flakes all over scalp) since my daughter was born- she’s nine months! Found out all you have to do is put a TON of coconut oil in, let it soak for thirty minutes, then brush through hair with a soft bristle brush (from forehead to towards the back of head). It all comes right off! Then just go through it with a fine tooth comb and give baby a bath! Wash their hair every day and do this every other day until it is gone. Only had to do twice with my daughter and ITS ALL GONE!! Most of it was gone the very first time.

Also, if your baby is old enough to eat, having them sit in a high chair and distracted eating is helpful to put the oil in and comb their hair.

Hope this helps someone!