Does anyone else think it’s lazy not to be working when your LO turns two?

So this arsehole who I knew at primary school keeps writing about once every 6 months just random one liners on my status’ on Facebook, last one being about embarrassing being on benefits isn’t it. Go get a job.

He lives the other side of the world now, never speak. Nothing in common at all. He just pipes up randomly with comments like this. Previous one, enjoy the tax payers money don’t worry I’ll pay for your kids, on maybe a status or check in at a day out.

At first it got to me but the last couple I just wrote back like oh thankyou I don’t know what I’d do without you. 😂 just to wind him when he said don’t worry I’ll pay.

But it kind of gets to me and makes me think is this what people really think of me, or is he literally just a massive dickhead. Do you think I should be working with a just turned 2 year old? (3 weeks ago) also have a 6 year old.

I know here in the UK 🇬🇧 the law is you have to start looking for work when your child goes to school.

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