Please tell me this gets better...


Baby boy is 11 weeks and still constantly miserable. Unless he's being held or on my boob he's generally crying at the top of his lungs, red in the face, sweating and kicking his little legs. He won't take a bottle we've been trying for weeks everything under the sun and we're going to go cold turkey with no boob just expressed milk this weekend because daycare starts in 2 weeks. I don't know what to do with him. This is not how I pictured motherhood. I can't get him on any kind of schedule because he's too miserable. I feel like I'm doing everything wrong ALL the time. I don't have much help- I don't really trust many people with him anyway. He's my whole life so I can usually take the screaming. This morning I couldn't and let him scream for 20 minutes in his rock and play while I showered to keep from losing my cool. Mom guilt is real and I have it constantly. I heard things get easier around the 3 month mark but I honestly can't picture that happening at this point. I'm so discouraged - any advice or words of support would be great 😢