Thoughts on high HCG?

Amanda • Mother of three (10/4/04, 3/6/09, 11/29/12). Blighted Ovum 4/2/2015. TTC #4.

I had a miscarriage on April 2nd and immediately started ttc again. Ovulation was confirmed on cd 15. BFP at 9 dpo (x6) and they were dark lines. My doctor had me come in for a blood test that monday. My numbers are:

11 dpo 296

13 dpo 670

19 dpo 7008 (progesterone 23)

I don't know how far I am exactly but if I use my mc date as LMP then I would be 5 weeks today with edd of 1/7/16. Are these too high? I have never had numbers this high before (three children and 1 mc) so I am a little worried....

Sorry for the long post!