Does your spouse go to sleep at the same time as you?

Amanda • Hello all, my name is Amanda. I am a vet tech, mother of 2 handsome little dudes. 🎶I still haven't found what I'm looking for. 🎶

My husband rarely goes to sleep at the same time as I do. I hardly get to see him during the week and I am lonely. Our evenings consist of taking care of our children (ages 1 and 7), doing my homework, and watching TV. I am lonely and I just want some time with him. He makes me feel like a nagging wife because I want him to cuddle and talk to me and he wants to play XBOX one. We are 30 and 31 and have been together for 14 years. We have a lot of history together, but I feel so lonely anymore. It's also hard because we are a military family and we don't have any friends here. I am just so lonely. Sorry for being a downer, I just need someone to talk to. Thanks guys.

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