Secret relationship

So I've been secretly dating a friend for a few months now. We've been friends for a few years now, and decided we wanted to start dating.We've kept it a secret cause he's 19 years older than I am, and my mom would be mad as hell if she knew and that would be the end of us completely. Thing is, she likes him alot, he gets along with my brother but to them he's just my friend which they're ok with. However I know if they knew the extent of our relationship they'd have a much diff opinion of him. Lately he's been feeling kinda bad about not being truthful with my mom about our relationship, however I'm cool with keeping things a secret. I swear my mom makes it difficult cause she has super high expectations, and has never liked anyone in the past, nitpicking over the smallest of issues. I love him and hate the fact that he feels awful about keeping this secret from my mom, but sometimes you just need to do you and enjoy great companionship of someone who deeply cares and loves you back. I'm 25 and he's 44. I really love being with him,i cant help but smile and want to touch, hug and kiss him when we're together.Would you be cool having a secret relationship with someone?

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