emotional roller coaster

okay a few months ago I was pregnant somewhere between 3 1/2 & 4 months. and I had a miscarriage . I was devastated , depressed , angry , and just all together miserable .lately it's been bothering me so bad ... when I hear a certain song , take care of my neices , etc . it hits hard . after the miscarriage we tried to get pregnant again for 4 months . nothing. so the month of October I decided I didn't want to try anymore for a while bc it breaks my heart every month I see a negative test and I was making my self very unhappy. the last few days I believe he took it upon himself to try to go for it again and Im so happy he's ready again . it drives me crazy how much he talks about our future kids everyday ,😍 how he's ready to be a father. how we gets so angry when my friends have abortions bc he knows how much some people would do anything to have a kid. so today my boyfriend showed about how this NFL. player lost his baby right after she delivered it and how the father broke down prematurely and it was a pic of him holding his hand. . and I broke in tears .. it really hurt me to see that . and he told me to come close and he held me against his chest. I'm making this post bc I am so thankful to have him in my life. after 3 years he still gives me butterflies. he still makes my heart skip a beat. I still feel protection when he hold me . sometimes I take him for granted but . he's so good to me . I see how much he love kids it💕💕💌 makes my heart melt when I see him playing with my neices and his little sister . he would have been an amazing father to our child no doubt.