Just to brag ❤

I just wanted to brag on my boyfriend for a minute. Y'all don't have to read this, I just wanted to get my feelings out, and tell everyone who keeps posting about their CRUEL so's on here, to find you a guy like this. My boyfriend is sooo amazing. He does absolutely everything to keep me happy. Never has he ever called me any name, even when I deserved it lol. Never has been mean to me. Never has gotten mad at me really to be honest lol. Even when I'm mad at him over the stupidest of things, he will apologize anyways just to make me happy again. Cuddles with me all the time. Doesnt go to bed without cuddling and goodnight kisses. Tells me he loves me and goodmorning, every morning. Encourages me to live my dreams, and supports me in everything i do. Never has gotten mad at me for wanting space. Never has expressed any interest in any other girl, ever. Sex is FIRE with him. Never once has rejected sex with me. In fact we have it basically every day lol. Makes sure i get off first every time too. Never complains about the girly shows i watch, and will go to any movie i wanna watch. I have Extreme anxiety, and he always takes the time to reason to me. I can talk to him about literally anything and everything. There is no conversations I'm scared to have with him. If I'm concerned or worried about anything, he never gets mad at me, he just calmly tells me why I'm wrong and that he loves me. He has never accused me of anything (not that he should). When I have my crazy moments with anxiety and look through his stuff (I know it's wrong, don't chew me out) he has never gotten mad that I've done it. He's never hid anything from me anyways. Everytime I'm around him and his friends, he NEVER ignores me. He includes me in all conversations, and every once in awhile he will just grab me and hug me or kiss me, hold me, hold my hand, rub my legs or back lovingly, or just randomly look at me and smile. He is honestly way too good for me. He's mentioned so many times how He can't wait to get married and have kids with me and start a family. He treats me like an absolute princess. We have been dating 2 and a half years, and he still treats me like the honey moon phase couple. I guess having him in my life just sparks up my anxiety even more cause now I'm terrified I'll lose him😂 I'm pathetic I know. I just love him so much. And I had to make an appreciation post. Thanks for reading this if you stuck around this long 😂