Changing His Look? (Long)

Kendra • Find your own happiness. Don't do what others expect of you. ~Baby Dust~

Okay, so it's probably nothing and idk why it's bothering me so much it just is. So my husband for the last 6 months has had a very low sex drive (it has been two months since I've seen him naked). I chalked it up to stress and we talked it out etc and I moved on. I've never been one to need sex in a relationship when I can just as easily take care of myself. Well I finally saw him naked last night (he got out of the shower and couldn't find his pajamas). HE HAS A 10 PACK NOW! I stopped him in his tracks and asked him how long he had those abs. He played dumb but i just kept telling him how good and fit he looks. All of his muscles are now well toned all of a sudden. He has always been toned but now he is like WOW. I ask him how he got like that (i wanted to steal his secret) and he just says it must be work. I stroke his ego a bit more and then offer up sex in my usual manner and he politely declines. I don't pay any attention because the Kentucky vs Kansas game is on which is important to him so I don't see it as a big deal. We go to bed after the game and I wake up to him getting dressed. He has these brand new black boxer underwear things that iv e never seen before. He doesn't wear black underwear he wears Kentucky blue underwear or plaid but never ever black. He also brushes his hair which he never does. He has been trying to grow it out to change up his look for the last 4 months and he is much more handsome with long hair. Now we have an open relationship but we have rules with it and the first is that it cannot infringe on our sex life or regular relationship and the second is that it cannot become emotional it has to stay completely sexual. I know that it is probably noth8ng but for those of you who don't know I've been trying to get to the bottom of my husbands lack of sex drive forever and have been missing his companionship. We hardly ever talk anymore either. I hate to draw this conclusion because what dumbass would break the only two rules of an open relationship but do you think he is seeing another woman? Like romantically? Idk maybe I'm being stupid. He hardly has time for it as he usually goes to work and comes home unless he has to work late or visit family. Please someone offer me some explanation. I'm going nuts over here.