Marriage problems

Lately my husband and I have not been seeing eye to eye on anything. We fight about the smallest things, I talk in my sleep and most of the time it's the weirdest stuff that mean nothing. Last night I caught myself talking and my husband was awake talking back to me I can't remember at all what I said. I woke up in the middle of the night and he was sleeping on the other side of the bed. This morning I got up to make him lunch and breakfast and he told me not too. I asked him what happened last night and he refused to tell me which made me mad but I decided to just go back to bed with my son. I'm 15 weeks and have a toddler so it's been hard for me to deal with morning sickness and fatigue from the pregnancy and having to run around behind my son all day. Somedays he'll get home and the house will be a mess and he'll tell me straight out I'm being lazy, I just can't seem to not feel tired most days. I totally understand he gets frustrated with me always being tired but I can't help it. I'm starting to think our marriage is coming to an end but I understand it's just another bump along the road. I just don't know how to fix it😔