I want to strangle him

Ashley • Ashley and Channing; partners in crime forever and always 💕

Now before anyone thinks I'm psycho, I would never ever ever kill a person who wasn't a threat to my family or whatever but HOLY SHITBALLS ! I love my Alex with everything in me, he's my rock, my best friend, and my greatest headache all in one. Today, he makes me want to just scream with how ridiculous he starts acting if he's even 1 second behind of schedule. His bosses are great, and he's a great man and manager, and the company loves him. He is NEVER late for work (except a total of maybe 3 times and those were completely be accident and chance ) and hardly ever asks the company for anything, so he has just a teensy bit of breathing room. I would never ask him to take advantage of that and ruin it, but there is no need to be a crazy fool about a mere 3 minutes. NONE. And he drives me NUTS. Again, this isn't me saying he's about to be my costar on snapped, but I am like 104% over his attitude today and I do hope it changes before he comes home because my patience starts off diminished from dealing with our 12 year old in the mrnings already.


My SO is literally (children notwithstanding) the light of my life, and I would never ever do anything that would endanger his life, let alone end it. Just ranting because he overreacts 25/7. Even so, it is never a dull moment and I wouldn't trade him for anyone or anything! (Literally, I was offered a decent bit of money once by some psycho chick to leave him. I turned it down because money would never be him. )

Also, I guarantee he made it to work on effing time and all of his ridiculousness was unnecessary.