Cheating husband got another girl pregnant

So I caught my husband cheating, turns out she’s pregnant too, he had sex with her that one time and she got lucky to get pregnant, while we had tried 9 years TTC. We’re only like 2 -1 1/2 weeks difference from our due dates. So we went through a chemical pregnancy and it that took everything away from us, I’ll admit we didn’t take the situation to well. Well the thing is that Im willing to forgive him and try to work things out, cause I know a lot of myself had huge part of this. I wasn’t to attentive towards him, we wouldn’t have conversations as usual, and those changes happen without me noticing what I was doing to him, he said it happened in a moment of weakness, but I know he must of had been talking to her before just taking her to bed. So idk what he was looking for. He says he can’t leave her wither because of the baby she’s expecting and I understand but idk what would be his limits towards that relationship now, he says he knows he wouldn’t be able to make future with her, he was just sticking around for the baby, he doesn’t trust her, because he’s always said women getting involved with married man are not to trust, and she has two girls from other relationships. I know him so well he won’t make future with her at all. But then yet I think of my future with him like would I even trust him now? They happen to work at the same place. He said he’s only talked to her a little bit of the situation, but he hasn’t seen her after ever since they got caught on Saturday!!! And I believe that because that night he came back home, Sunday we we’re together all day and night, Monday he came

Straight home from work, yesterday he came out late and came straight home. I know this indeed because I started tracking the car by GPS.

I told him I was going to do my best and work things out , and he said he would want us to, but I told him that hopefully by our baby’s arrival we would surly know what to do. I’m not sure if the best option for our future anymore. He said he made it clear to her he was never going to leave me, and she still decided to stick around. Idk if this girl was waiting for me to find out till I found out thinking he was going to let me go that easy, and I was going to walk away in that instant, so now I told him to make things clear to her, but idk if she will manipulate him with the pregnancy, or she will not even care I know now.

Im waiting to see more of his actions, if I notice he sees her again at private places it definitely will be off he said he doesn’t want the divorce. But I honestly dreamed to live a nice pregnancy and despising all this drama he had always been a great husband I was always insecure of myself. I believe him now, he never cheated, and the one time he did this happens.

Im I doing wrong trying to work things out after all of this, Im giving us time till the baby gets here and I will for sure now what to do with this.