Intermittent light brown spotting 6 weeks 1 day :(

Jasper • Newly engaged!💍PCOS warrior ✊ Expecting rainbow baby #1, July 10th 2018 ❤💛💚💙💜

Although this is not the same dark brown spotting that happened for a week before my miscarriage at 3 months, I am still slightly panicky. (TMI) I strained to have a bowel movement a few days ago, and it was a watery brown and tan color that I wiped away(no, not from the behind) I have always battled with constipation and have found pregnanacy and prenatal vitamins harder on my system. I have contacted my Dr's office and will hopefully hear back later this afternoon. It has decreased, and is almost a browny grey tan color and zero cramping has accompanied this situation.. Good thoughts, good thoughts!! lol